Basic Programs
- Array 1D
- Array 2D
- Armstrong Numbers between 100 - 999
- ASCII value of a given character
- Average marks of n students
- Change the case of an alphabet
- Check whether a given character is an alphabet of a digit or space or something else
- Largest number using logical operators and nested if...else
- Menu driven arithmetic operations
- Smallest number using logical operators and nested if...else
Graphics Programs
- Draw Straight Line
- Draw Circle
- Draw Ellipse
- Draw Rectangle
- Draw Upper Case Alphabets (A to Z) (7-Segment style)
- Draw Upper Case Alphabets (A to Z)
- Draw Lower Case Alphabets (a to z)
- Draw a line using DDA algorithm
- Draw line using Bresenham algorithm
- Draw circle using Bresenham algorithm
- Draw a circle using Midpoint algorithm